Generic zipWith
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In response to the traverse-with-class 1.0 announcement, user Gurkenglas asks:
Can you use something like this to do something like
gzipWith (+) :: (Int, Double) -> (Int, Double) -> (Int, Double)
There are two separate challenges here:
- How do we traverse two structures in lockstep?
- How do we make sure that the values we are combining are of the same type?
Because traverse-with-class implements Michael D. Adams’s generic zipper,
I first thought that it would suffice to traverse the two values
simultaneously. That didn’t quite work out. That zipper is designed to
traverse the structure in all four directions: not just left and right,
but also up and down. Therefore, if we want to traverse an
(Int, Double)
tuple with a Num
constraint, all
possible substructures — including (Int, Double)
itself —
must satisfy that constraint. The way this manifests itself is through
Rec c
constraints, which cannot be satisfied for tuples
without defining extra Num
It is possible to design a restricted zipper that would only travel left and right and will not impose any unnecessary constraints. But because we need only a simple one-way traversal, we can get away with something even simpler — a free applicative functor. (Indeed, a free applicative is a building block in Adams’s zipper.)
This is simple and beautiful: because a free applicative functor is
an applicative functor, we can gtraverse
with it; and
because a free applicative functor is essentially a heterogeneous list,
we can zip two such things together.
Another way we could approach this is by using Oleg’s Zipper from any Traversable, which is based on the continuation monad. I haven’t tried it, but I think it should work, too.
Now we arrive at the second challenge. In traverse-with-class, when
we traverse a heterogeneous value, we observe each field as having an
existential type exists a . c a => a
. If the type of
was something like
(Num a1, Num a2) => a1 -> a2 -> a1
— as it is in
many object-oriented languages — it would be fine. But in Haskell, we
can only add two Num
values if they are of the same
Packages like one-liner or generics-sop
use a type-indexed generic representation, so we can assert field-wise
type equality of two structures at compile time. traverse-with-class is
not typed in this sense, so we need to rely on run-time type checks via
The full code for gzipWith
is given below. Note that
relying on Ørjan’s
free applicative has two important consequences:
- We zip from right to left, so that
gzipWith @Num (+) [1,2,3] [1,2]
evaluates to[3,5]
, not[2,4]
. - For
instances that are right-associated (e.g. the standardGTraversable
instance for lists), the complexity is quadratic.
I believe that both of these issues can be resolved, but I don’t have the time to spend on this at the moment.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances,
ConstraintKinds, RankNTypes, AllowAmbiguousTypes, TypeApplications,
UndecidableInstances, GADTs, UndecidableSuperClasses,
FlexibleContexts, TypeOperators #-}
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Generics.Traversable
-- TypeableAnd c is a synonym for (c a, Typeable a)
class (c a, Typeable a) => TypeableAnd c a
instance (c a, Typeable a) => TypeableAnd c a
-- Ørjan Johansen’s free applicative functor
data Free c a
= Pure a
| forall b. (c b, Typeable b) => Snoc (Free c (b -> a)) b
instance Functor (Free c) where
fmap f (Pure x) = Pure $ f x
fmap f (Snoc lft x) = Snoc (fmap (f .) lft) x
instance Applicative (Free c) where
pure = Pure
<*> Pure e = fmap ($ e) tx
tx <*> Snoc ty az = Snoc ((.) <$> tx <*> ty) az
unit :: TypeableAnd c b => b -> Free c b
= Snoc (Pure id)
toFree :: forall c a . GTraversable (TypeableAnd c) a => a -> Free c a
= gtraverse @(TypeableAnd c) unit
fromFree :: Free c a -> a
fromFree free case free of
Pure a -> a
Snoc xs x -> fromFree xs x
zipFree :: (forall b . c b => b -> b -> b) -> Free c a -> Free c a -> Free c a
zipFree f free1 free2 case (free1, free2) of
Pure a1, _) -> Pure a1
(Pure a2) -> Pure a2
(_, Snoc xs1 (x1 :: b1), Snoc xs2 (x2 :: b2)) ->
(case (eqT :: Maybe (b1 :~: b2)) of
Nothing -> error "zipFree: incompatible types"
Just Refl -> Snoc (zipFree f xs1 xs2) (f x1 x2)
gzipWith :: forall c a . GTraversable (TypeableAnd c) a
=> (forall b . c b => b -> b -> b)
-> a -> a -> a
= fromFree $ zipFree f (toFree @c a1) (toFree @c a2)
gzipWith f a1 a2
zippedTuple :: (Int, Double)
= gzipWith @Num (+) (1, 1) (3, pi)
zippedTuple -- (4,4.141592653589793)