Combine ChIP-seq peaks from multiple replicates via consensus voting

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As in most of biology, having biological replicates in ChIP-seq experiments is important to ensure external validity.

Or, in simpler words, your low-q-value peak from a single sample only means that the peak was definitely there in this one sample. Without replicates, you don’t know if this peak is reliably there across samples or was specific to that one sample at that one time.

So, in order to know that your results are reliable and can be expected to replicate in other similar experiments, you should replicate them yourself on different biological samples. The more diverse your replicates, the more externally valid your findings. For instance, if all your replicates come from the same inbred strain, you can conclude that your findings probably generalize to most individuals in that strain but may be caused by the strain’s genotype and not generalize to the whole population.

But say you do have biological replicates — how do you analyze them? While tools for differential analysis of peaks typically know how to deal with replicates, tools for peak calling (such as MACS) deal only with a single replicate at a time. This is a problem if you are only interested in finding transcription factor binding sites.

Often people seem to resort to either intersecting or taking the union of all peaks just because it’s very easy to do using bedtools. However, as Yang et al. argue, doing so will result in high false negative and false positive rates, respectively. Instead, they propose a compromise: call a consensus peak if it’s supported by at least a certain number of replicates — say, by at least half of them. But unlike simple union or intersection, there do not appear to be any ready-to-use tools to perform this kind of analysis.

So here I’ll explain how to use R/Bioconductor to find regions that are covered by at least a given number of replicate peaks. Note that my approach does not correspond directly to any of the 4 approaches described by Yang et al. Their method results in a smaller number of wider peaks, but parts of those consensus peaks may have smaller coverage as shown below.

Figure adapted from Yang et al. My annotation (in red) shows that, despite the majority vote, part of the consensus region is only supported by 1 out of 3 replicates.

This could be a problem when peaks spanning hundreds or thousands of bp overlap only a little. A better approach would be to first to identify regions supported by the given number of replicates and then optionally merge those that are close to each other, which I’ll also show how to do.

Of course this is very subjective and arbitrary, and ideally we would use a robust statistical model instead of a hand-picked threshold. And there are some tools that attempt this:

I discussed GenoGAM with its authors last year, but I am yet to study and compare the other ones.

Calling consensus peaks in Bioconductor

First, load the Bioconductor libraries to work with genomic ranges:


Get the list of .narrowPeak files in the current directory. We’ll treat them all as replicates. The same code should work with .bed or .gff files.

peak_files <- list.files(pattern = ".*\\.narrowPeak")
## [1] "NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peaks.narrowPeak"
## [2] "NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep2_bw300_narrow_peaks.narrowPeak"
## [3] "NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep3_bw300_narrow_peaks.narrowPeak"

Read these files using rtracklayer’s import function:

peak_granges <- lapply(peak_files, import)
## [[1]]
## GRanges object with 1415 ranges and 6 metadata columns:
##                seqnames          ranges strand |                                        name
##                   <Rle>       <IRanges>  <Rle> |                                 <character>
##      [1]   NC_000001.11     10041-10186      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1
##      [2]   NC_000001.11   629597-629707      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_2
##      [3]   NC_000001.11   630278-630444      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_3
##      [4]   NC_000001.11   631154-631304      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_4
##      [5]   NC_000001.11   631961-632210      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_5
##      ...            ...             ...    ... .                                         ...
##   [1411] NW_017852933.1 1174567-1174677      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1411
##   [1412] NW_017852933.1 1593093-1593226      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1412
##   [1413] NW_018654708.1   221820-221930      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1413
##   [1414] NW_018654713.1     29933-30043      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1414
##   [1415] NW_019805500.1     69753-69895      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1415
##              score signalValue    pValue    qValue      peak
##          <numeric>   <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <integer>
##      [1]        27     5.17033   6.91041   2.79078        38
##      [2]        66     3.80497  11.22005   6.63982        82
##      [3]        93     4.31874   14.1121   9.31245        98
##      [4]        50     3.50501   9.46955   5.06445        99
##      [5]        77     4.25812  12.40796   7.76729       174
##      ...       ...         ...       ...       ...       ...
##   [1411]        31     4.58205   7.31183   3.15002        63
##   [1412]       158    10.99692  21.19611  15.89375        50
##   [1413]        60     5.71026  10.64406   6.09574        23
##   [1414]        53     6.15752   9.80128   5.37605        17
##   [1415]        47     5.49846   9.13087    4.7435        78
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 81 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## [[2]]
## GRanges object with 10073 ranges and 6 metadata columns:
##                 seqnames        ranges strand |                                         name
##                    <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> |                                  <character>
##       [1]   NC_000001.11    9913-10101      * |     NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep2_bw300_narrow_peak_1
##       [2]   NC_000001.11 118531-118688      * |     NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep2_bw300_narrow_peak_2
##       [3]   NC_000001.11 175750-175907      * |     NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep2_bw300_narrow_peak_3
##       [4]   NC_000001.11 180786-181117      * |     NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep2_bw300_narrow_peak_4
##       [5]   NC_000001.11 295097-295254      * |     NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep2_bw300_narrow_peak_5
##       ...            ...           ...    ... .                                          ...
##   [10069] NW_019805499.1   41689-41864      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep2_bw300_narrow_peak_10069
##   [10070] NW_019805499.1   42535-42692      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep2_bw300_narrow_peak_10070
##   [10071] NW_019805500.1   15499-15656      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep2_bw300_narrow_peak_10071
##   [10072] NW_019805501.1   42374-42531      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep2_bw300_narrow_peak_10072
##   [10073] NW_019805503.1   32183-32340      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep2_bw300_narrow_peak_10073
##               score signalValue    pValue    qValue      peak
##           <numeric>   <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <integer>
##       [1]        56     6.82969  10.16471   5.62669       138
##       [2]        30     3.84819   7.00974   3.01917        96
##       [3]        15      2.8959    5.1229   1.53902        65
##       [4]        64     7.20184  11.08078   6.47703        95
##       [5]        25     3.75744   6.16293   2.50373       104
##       ...       ...         ...       ...       ...       ...
##   [10069]        67     5.79181  11.53681   6.76819        34
##   [10070]        30      3.8263   6.76788   3.00398        61
##   [10071]        24     3.74499   6.07139   2.41671       109
##   [10072]        30      3.8263   6.76788   3.00398       115
##   [10073]        30     3.86121   7.17009   3.01917        23
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 250 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## [[3]]
## GRanges object with 5834 ranges and 6 metadata columns:
##                seqnames        ranges strand |                                        name
##                   <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> |                                 <character>
##      [1]   NC_000001.11   75561-75825      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep3_bw300_narrow_peak_1
##      [2]   NC_000001.11 118452-118776      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep3_bw300_narrow_peak_2
##      [3]   NC_000001.11 295059-295342      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep3_bw300_narrow_peak_3
##      [4]   NC_000001.11 376867-377338      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep3_bw300_narrow_peak_4
##      [5]   NC_000001.11 474500-474783      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep3_bw300_narrow_peak_5
##      ...            ...           ...    ... .                                         ...
##   [5830] NW_019805495.1 242418-242709      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep3_bw300_narrow_peak_5830
##   [5831] NW_019805495.1 258219-258668      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep3_bw300_narrow_peak_5831
##   [5832] NW_019805496.1 127568-127832      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep3_bw300_narrow_peak_5832
##   [5833] NW_019805499.1   30032-30296      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep3_bw300_narrow_peak_5833
##   [5834] NW_019805500.1     7260-7524      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep3_bw300_narrow_peak_5834
##              score signalValue    pValue    qValue      peak
##          <numeric>   <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <integer>
##      [1]        30     4.46341   6.72273   3.00157        88
##      [2]        76     7.14145  12.01206   7.62227        66
##      [3]        57     6.52364   9.85515   5.70239        27
##      [4]       225     14.2829  28.09008  22.54761       253
##      [5]        55      6.4522   9.65794    5.5344       181
##      ...       ...         ...       ...       ...       ...
##   [5830]        21     4.07727   5.38735     2.108       182
##   [5831]        42     5.28269   8.11069   4.24385       249
##   [5832]        43     5.35609   8.42216   4.39757        73
##   [5833]        42     5.28269   8.11069   4.24385       104
##   [5834]        30     4.46341   6.72273   3.00157       180
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 170 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

peak_ranges is a simple R list with 3 elements, which individually are GRanges objects. Now let’s turn this list into a GRangesList, which in this case is more convenient to work with.

peak_grangeslist <- GRangesList(peak_granges)
## GRangesList object of length 3:
## [[1]] 
## GRanges object with 1415 ranges and 6 metadata columns:
##                seqnames          ranges strand |                                        name
##                   <Rle>       <IRanges>  <Rle> |                                 <character>
##      [1]   NC_000001.11     10041-10186      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1
##      [2]   NC_000001.11   629597-629707      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_2
##      [3]   NC_000001.11   630278-630444      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_3
##      [4]   NC_000001.11   631154-631304      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_4
##      [5]   NC_000001.11   631961-632210      * |    NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_5
##      ...            ...             ...    ... .                                         ...
##   [1411] NW_017852933.1 1174567-1174677      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1411
##   [1412] NW_017852933.1 1593093-1593226      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1412
##   [1413] NW_018654708.1   221820-221930      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1413
##   [1414] NW_018654713.1     29933-30043      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1414
##   [1415] NW_019805500.1     69753-69895      * | NRF2SFN-Chorley-rep1_bw300_narrow_peak_1415
##              score signalValue    pValue    qValue      peak
##          <numeric>   <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <integer>
##      [1]        27     5.17033   6.91041   2.79078        38
##      [2]        66     3.80497  11.22005   6.63982        82
##      [3]        93     4.31874   14.1121   9.31245        98
##      [4]        50     3.50501   9.46955   5.06445        99
##      [5]        77     4.25812  12.40796   7.76729       174
##      ...       ...         ...       ...       ...       ...
##   [1411]        31     4.58205   7.31183   3.15002        63
##   [1412]       158    10.99692  21.19611  15.89375        50
##   [1413]        60     5.71026  10.64406   6.09574        23
##   [1414]        53     6.15752   9.80128   5.37605        17
##   [1415]        47     5.49846   9.13087    4.7435        78
## ...
## <2 more elements>
## -------
## seqinfo: 299 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

Now, find the genome regions which are covered by at least 2 of the 3 sets of peaks:

peak_coverage <- coverage(peak_grangeslist)
## RleList of length 299
## $NC_000001.11
## integer-Rle of length 248946484 with 3023 runs
##   Lengths:   9912    128     61     85  65374    265 ... 220661    275    137     85    197     84
##   Values :      0      1      2      1      0      1 ...      0      1      2      1      2      1
## $NC_000002.12
## integer-Rle of length 242183602 with 1773 runs
##   Lengths:  214478     265  588943     158     260 ...     288   50217     103     159      28
##   Values :       0       1       0       1       0 ...       1       0       1       2       1
## $NC_000003.12
## integer-Rle of length 198174065 with 1492 runs
##   Lengths:    9884     259      73     209     217 ...     158   98693     221    4926     294
##   Values :       0       1       2       3       2 ...       1       0       1       0       1
## $NC_000004.12
## integer-Rle of length 190204610 with 1998 runs
##   Lengths:   9848     94     53    243     44     62 ...   1005     11    162    106  23142    170
##   Values :      0      1      2      3      2      1 ...      0      1      2      1      0      1
## $NC_000005.10
## integer-Rle of length 181450116 with 1874 runs
##   Lengths:    9901       7      97    1388      54 ...     112     158     202    6807    1286
##   Values :       0       1       2       3       2 ...       1       2       1       0       1
## ...
## <294 more elements>

peak_coverage is a list of numbers for every single genome position, encoded into an efficient structure Rle. Now, using the slice function, let’s get the regions in the genome where coverage is at least 2:

covered_ranges <- slice(peak_coverage, lower=2, rangesOnly=T)
## IRangesList of length 299
## $NC_000001.11
## IRanges object with 154 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##             start       end     width
##         <integer> <integer> <integer>
##     [1]     10041     10101        61
##     [2]    118531    118688       158
##     [3]    295097    295254       158
##     [4]    377069    377226       158
##     [5]    709516    709673       158
##     ...       ...       ...       ...
##   [150] 228636089 228636238       150
##   [151] 243037096 243037253       158
##   [152] 244523624 244523802       179
##   [153] 248945982 248946118       137
##   [154] 248946204 248946400       197
## ...
## <298 more elements>

This is a simple IRangesList object; let’s covert it to a GRanges object:

covered_granges <- GRanges(covered_ranges)
## GRanges object with 1401 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##                seqnames        ranges strand
##                   <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle>
##      [1]   NC_000001.11   10041-10101      *
##      [2]   NC_000001.11 118531-118688      *
##      [3]   NC_000001.11 295097-295254      *
##      [4]   NC_000001.11 377069-377226      *
##      [5]   NC_000001.11 709516-709673      *
##      ...            ...           ...    ...
##   [1397]    NT_187617.1   59572-59732      *
##   [1398] NW_003315930.1   14229-14368      *
##   [1399] NW_003315952.3   57671-57785      *
##   [1400] NW_003315959.1 134807-134820      *
##   [1401] NW_003571050.1 380055-380202      *
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 299 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

And we are done! We can also save these regions as a .bed file using rtracklayer’s export:

export(covered_granges, "consensus.bed")

Merging nearby peaks

As I mentioned at the beginning, you might want to merge the peaks that are close to each other to avoid having many small fragments. In Bioconductor, you can do that using the min.gapwidth parameters to reduce. For example, this will merge the peaks that are separated by no more than 30 bp:

reduce(covered_granges, min.gapwidth=31)
## GRanges object with 1379 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##                seqnames        ranges strand
##                   <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle>
##      [1]   NC_000001.11   10041-10101      *
##      [2]   NC_000001.11 118531-118688      *
##      [3]   NC_000001.11 295097-295254      *
##      [4]   NC_000001.11 377069-377226      *
##      [5]   NC_000001.11 709516-709673      *
##      ...            ...           ...    ...
##   [1375]    NT_187617.1   59572-59732      *
##   [1376] NW_003315930.1   14229-14368      *
##   [1377] NW_003315952.3   57671-57785      *
##   [1378] NW_003315959.1 134807-134820      *
##   [1379] NW_003571050.1 380055-380202      *
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 299 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

As you can see, this reduced the number of ranges from 1401 to 1379.