Undefined behavior with StablePtr in Haskell

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What will the following Haskell code snippet do?

  ptr1 <- newStablePtr 1
  ptr2 <- newStablePtr 2

  print =<< deRefStablePtr ptr1

Of course it will print 1… most of the time. But it’s also easy to make it print 2.

Here is the full program:

import Foreign.StablePtr

main = do
  ptr <- newStablePtr ()
  freeStablePtr ptr
  freeStablePtr ptr

  ptr1 <- newStablePtr 1
  ptr2 <- newStablePtr 2

  print =<< deRefStablePtr ptr1

If I compile it with ghc 8.0.2 on x86-64 Linux, it prints 2 and exits cleanly. (Under ghci or runghc, it also prints 2 but then gets a SIGBUS.) You can imagine how much fun it was to debug this issue in a complex library with a non-obvious double free.

The docs for freeStablePtr say:

Dissolve the association between the stable pointer and the Haskell value. Afterwards, if the stable pointer is passed to deRefStablePtr or freeStablePtr, the behaviour is undefined.

As far as undefined behaviors go, this one is fairly benign — at least it didn’t delete my code or install a backdoor.

Let’s see what’s going on here. The relevant definitions are in includes/stg/Types.h, includes/rts/Stable.h, rts/Stable.h, and rts/Stable.c. The excerpts below are simplified compared to the actual ghc source.

A stable pointer is just an integer index into an array, stable_ptr_table, although it is represented as a void*.

 * Stable Pointers: A stable pointer is represented as an index into
 * the stable pointer table.
 * StgStablePtr used to be a synonym for StgWord, but stable pointers
 * are guaranteed to be void* on the C-side, so we have to do some
 * occasional casting. Size is not a matter, because StgWord is always
 * the same size as a void*.

typedef void* StgStablePtr;

typedef struct {
    StgPtr addr;
} spEntry;

spEntry *stable_ptr_table;

This is how the table works:

Suppose that the first two free entries in stable_ptr_table are 18 and 19, which is what I actually observe at the program startup. (The RTS creates a few stable pointers of its own for the purpose of running the program, which explains why these don’t start at 0.) Here’s the double-free code annotated with what happens on each step.

  ptr <- newStablePtr ()
  -- ptr == 18
  -- stable_ptr_free == &stable_ptr_table[19]
  -- stable_ptr_table[18].addr is a pointer to a Haskell value ()
  freeStablePtr ptr
  -- stable_ptr_free == &stable_ptr_table[18]
  -- stable_ptr_table[18].addr == &stable_ptr_table[19]
  freeStablePtr ptr
  -- stable_ptr_free == &stable_ptr_table[18]
  -- stable_ptr_table[18].addr == &stable_ptr_table[18]

  ptr1 <- newStablePtr 1
  -- ptr1 == 18
  -- stable_ptr_free == &stable_ptr_table[18]
  -- stable_ptr_table[18].addr is a pointer to a Haskell value 1
  ptr2 <- newStablePtr 2
  -- ptr2 == 18
  -- stable_ptr_free is a pointer to a Haskell value 1
  -- stable_ptr_table[18].addr is a pointer to a Haskell value 2

Because stable_ptr_free now points into the Haskell heap and outside of stable_ptr_table, further allocations of stable pointers will corrupt Haskell memory and eventually result in SIGBUS or SIGSEGV.