Announcing SmallCheck 1.0
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I am glad to announce a new major release of SmallCheck (hackage).
What is SmallCheck?
SmallCheck is a property-based testing library for Haskell.
If you are familiar with QuickCheck, you can think of SmallCheck as a better QuickCheck. The main way in which it is better is that it is non-random: whether your tests pass does not depend on the roll of the dice.
If you are not familiar with QuickCheck, the idea of SmallCheck is to check certain properties of your functions, as opposed to unit testing, where you just check the expected outcome of some particular tests.
For an introduction to property-based testing, check out Chapter 11 of Real World Haskell. It should be straightforward to translate all the examples there to SmallCheck.
What’s new in 1.0
Monadic properties
Properties are now parameterised on the monad they work in.
The two main ways a property can use the monad are:
- generating test cases monadically
- verifying the condition monadically
Monadic test cases generation can be used to read test cases from files. A well-known problem when testing compilers is that it is hard to enumerate or randomly generate valid programs. So here you go — just put some examples in the file system, and use them to verify some properties of your compiler.
An example of monadic verification is when you want to verify your code against an external (or otherwise impure) reference implementation.
The semantics of quantifiers has changed. Previously, all variables
were quantified universally by default, and a quantifier (like
) changed the quantification of the next
So, for example, exists $ \x y -> p x y
interpreted as
Now the quantification operators (forAll
and existsUnique
) set the
quantification context for all subsequent variables, so the above
property means
Uniqueness quantification
There’s an interesting effect related to the uniqueness quantifier
(which was previously called
There are two ways to interpret
existsUnique $ \x y -> p x y
, “curried” and
These two actually have different meaning. Suppose that
When mathematicians write
Higher-order properties
Both SmallCheck and QuickCheck have a ==>
which tests an implication. The left argument of ==>
type Bool
, and it’s usually a statement that the generated
arguments satisfy some side condition (e.g. generated programs are
In this new version of SmallCheck, the left argument of
can be an arbitrary property, with its own
quantifiers etc. Here’s how we could test an isPrime
import Test.SmallCheck
import Test.SmallCheck.Series
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
= True
isPrime _
main 5 {- 5 is the testing depth -} $
smallCheck Positive n) ->
\($ \(Positive d) -> d /= 1 && d /= n && n `mod` d == 0) ==> not (isPrime n) (exists
Unsurprisingly, the result will be
Failed test no. 4.
there exists 4 such that
condition is false
Ordered testing
SmallCheck has just got more efficient and less annoying!
Previously, if you wanted to get the minimal counterexample,
you used the function smallCheck
which tested the property
first with depth 0, then with depth 1 and so on — up to the limit that
you told it.
The reason was that the Serial
instance of
e.g. Integer
generated the following integers for depth
They are tried in exactly this order, and, if all of them were
counterexamples, the user would be presented with -3
as the
first one.
Now the instances generate examples in the order of increasing depth, e.g.
so there’s no need to try multiple depths.
Better reporting
The way SmallCheck reports its findings is now greatly improved, especially in some complex cases.
For example, consider the following property:
5 $ existsUnique $ \x -> (forAll $ \y -> x * y >= 0) ==> (forAll $ \y -> x * y == (0 :: Integer)) smallCheck
Here’s what SmallCheck 0.6.2 reports (or, to be precise, would report if it supported higher-order properties):
Depth 0:
Completed 1 test(s) without failure.
Depth 1:
Failed test no. 12. Test values follow.
And this is the output of SmallCheck 1.0:
Failed test no. 12.
there are at least two arguments satisfying the property:
for 0
condition is true
for 1
property is vacuously true because
there exists -1 such that
condition is false
Required type annotations
Because the Testable
class is now multi-parameter
(parameterised on the type and the monad), ambiguous types that involve
this class do not get defaulted. To put it simply, most non-trivial
properties now require some type annotations.
This turned out to be a very good thing for SmallCheck (which I couldn’t envision). Defaulting for properties often works in an unexpected way. For example, here’s what an older SmallCheck would tell you if you asked it whether all things are the equal:
> depthCheck 5 $ \x y -> x == y
Depth 5:
Completed 1 test(s) without failure.
The result is unexpected, but at least we get some clue from the fact
that there was just one test: the type of the variables got defaulted to
Alas, QuickCheck doesn’t give us even this hint:
> quickCheck $ \x y -> x == y
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
Luckily, with the new SmallCheck you actually get a type error:
No instance for (Eq a0) arising from a use of `=='
The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
And indeed, the problem is easy to fix once you know it’s there:
> smallCheck 5 $ \x y -> x == (y :: Integer)
Failed test no. 2.
there exist 0 1 such that
condition is false
Simpler interface
I took this chance to clean the API and make it more orthogonal.
Previously SmallCheck had functions like
forAllElem :: (Show a, Testable b) => [a] -> (a -> b) -> Property
which did three things at once:
- made the variable universally quantified
- converted the list to a depth-independent series
- quantified the variable over that series
No wonder the API suffered from the combinatorial explosion. Now these things are all done separately:
generate :: (Depth -> [a]) -> Series m a
can be used to turn a list into a series;
over :: (Monad m, Show a, Testable m b) => Series m a -> (a -> b) -> Property m
sets the domain of quantification; and
forAll :: Testable m a => a -> Property m
sets the quantification context.